Wednesday, 26 August 2009

5+2 weeks

The first few days after the positive test were fantastic. I think we all felt so elated that it worked first time. But we were brought back down to earth at the weekend when I had some bleeding. It wasn't heavy, but went on for 3 days. And I am still getting some spotting every day. But we have been told that bleeding is common with IVF pregnancies. We have no reason to believe anything bad has happened as it was 'old blood' (brown) and there were no clots. We've been told that if I have any fresh bleeding (red) or pain then I should go straight to A&E. Otherwise we just carry on as normal and go for our scan on the 3rd.

It has made me very anxious. I usually try to be quite laid back while pregnant but I must admit that this has worried me a little. But I am staying positive. I have lots of pregnancy symptoms: mild morning sickness, constant dizziness (have had that since a few days after the transfer) and the lower part of my tummy is already starting to feel a swollen.

I actually had a very similar bleed with my son (who is now 4). But I didn't know I was pregnant at the time so I had nothing to worry about! I only did a test because I thought it was odd that my period had lasted only a couple of days ... and it was positive!

This time, when I first saw the blood, I panicked and thought it was all over! It was only when I gathered my thoughts that I realised it was only light and was old blood, so possible just leftover from implantation - maybe just a bit of excess lining coming away. Now that everything has settled down, I feel confident again.

So we just have to get through the next week and then we will have the scan. Then hopefully we'll have an uneventful 8 months to go! The big question is, will there be one baby or two?!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Scan Date

Today was the official test day. The hospital gave me a home pregnancy test to take today. I did it first thing this morning and it came up positive straight away! As you can see, it's lovely and clear.
I emailed the hospital to let them know and they got back to me with our early pregnancy scan date - 3rd September! I can't wait.
I received the biggest and loveliest bunch of flowers I have ever seen this morning! My IPs are so lovely and thoughtful x x x

Monday, 17 August 2009

"A grand adventure is about to begin"

We tested yesterday (3 times!!!) and every one was a lovely Big Fat Positive!!!
We are all over the moon. Due date is 26th April 2010. We will let the hospital know and they will do a scan at 6 weeks to look for a heartbeat/s.
I am so excited and nervous all at the same time!
Today we are 4 weeks pregnant :-)

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today"

IM had her egg collection on Monday. They managed to retrieve 19 eggs which we all thought was fantastic! But unfortunately only 3 fertilised, one of which was not good enough to use or freeze.

It was a real shame, especially after everything IM went through. But at least we had two good embryos we could use for transfer. The hospital wanted to do a 2 day transfer to get the embryos inside me nice and early. So on Wednesday we all met at the hospital at 10am for our transfer appointment.

The transfer went well. It was a little uncomfortable as I had to have a full bladder for it, but it wasn't painful at all. IM came into the room with me and it was nice to have a familiar face there. It all felt very surreal. I couldn't believe that after months of appointments, we were finally there.

So now there are two little dots inside me. I just really hope that at least one of them holds on. The 2 week wait feels very long! I can't wait to find out if it's worked or not. I really, really hope it has worked but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I'm just doing my best to be healthy and relaxed over the next few days.

Monday, 3 August 2009

A big update - nearly there!

Sorry for the delay in updating. I have been so busy lately with work. I've also been on holiday and now the kids are home for the summer hols and I need to keep the constantly occupied!

My IM and I started injecting Buserelin in early July. I had to inject 0.5mls a day for 2 weeks. I chose to inject it into my tummy. It was actually okay. I was very surprised that it didn't hurt much and I didn't find it difficult to inject myself! It's now just part of my morning routine!

After 2 weeks we both went in for scans to confirm that we were down regulated. Then we were told to reduce to 0.25mls of Buserelin per day. I then started taking 4mg of Climavel per day and my IM started injecting Gonal F to stimulate her ovaries.

Regular scans showed that IM was producing lots of nice follicles and she was told to reduce her medication in case she over-stimulated.

A recent scan showed that my lining is a nice comfy 9.6mm - they want it at least 8mm for the transfer so there's more than enough there :-)

IM took her trigger injection on Saturday night and went in for egg collection today. The transfer will be later this week!! I can't believe it's come round so fast! I'm so excited and feel really confident that things will work for us.