Tuesday, 10 March 2009

One Step Closer

I haven't posted lately because there hasn't been much to report!

We finally got our appointment on the 5th February. We had some bloods taken and talked through the IVF process. Then dh and I attended our first counselling session. It was quite interesting but I did feel a bit like the counsellor was clutching at straws and trying to find things to talk about! It's very obvious that we've already done a lot of research and have already talked everything through with COTS. But the hospital have a duty of care and need to make sure we complete their counselling programme before we can proceed.

We have our next counselling session on Thursday. Then we need to arrange a group counselling session with the IPs. Shortly after that we should finally be able to start the IVF process.

It's all taking a long time and has been a bit of a rollercoaster. But in some ways that's been good because it's given IM and I plenty of time to chat things through. I feel as though we have become very close over the last few months and I can't wait to help her to have her baby. I also hope to involve her as much as possible in the pregnancy and birth to make sure she can bond with the baby.

There was a documentary on TV last night called "Addicted to Surrogacy". All media is great for surrogacy awareness, but this particular documentary seemed to concentrate on the eccentric surrogates and the extreme relationships. It wasn't very representative of most surrogacy arrangements. It's a real shame because it made surrogates look a little crazy!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the counselling appointment on Thursday. Not so much because of the actual counselling, but just that it is one step closer to our destination!!

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