Saturday 20 June 2009

We're off!

IM and I have both started taking the contraceptive pill. It feels good to be doing something productive! We both visited our solicitors last week and have letters confirming our life insurance.

We have an appointment at the hospital on Thursday to sign the consent forms! Then we have appointments on 7th July to both be scanned. Then we will hopefully start our Buserelin injections!

I really can't believe we are finally getting started. Every time we have got past one thing, there always seems to be another hurdle put in front of us. But now it looks like we're finally on the home run. I just pray that everything goes okay with the egg retrieval and the transfer and that we'll have some good news to announce in August!

1 comment:

Melsa said...

I hope it goes along smoothly now for you and the intended parents